Thermal and Fluid Engineering I (ENGR 2250)
Teaching Assistant, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, School of Engineering, 2018
I delivered TA sections to classes up to 50 students using traditional lecture notes and Power Point presentations.
Teaching Assistant, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, School of Engineering, 2018
I delivered TA sections to classes up to 50 students using traditional lecture notes and Power Point presentations.
Guest Lecture, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2018
At RPI I have continued to hone my teaching skills by giving guest lectures in Modeling of Biomedical Systems (BMED 4200). These invited lectures afforded me the opportunity to teach classes by introducing real lab research problems into the classroom and present how they were solved by the theories and models learned from the class.Download slides here
Mentoring, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mechanical Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, 2018
I was an undergraduate mentor in Undergraduate Research Program (URP) at RPI for one spring semester and the following summer semester. I mentored four undergraduate students from sophomores to juniors. I designed the independent research topic for each student and led weekly group meetings as well as one-on-one meetings. I guided them to learn literature review, defining the specific aims and hypothesis, setting up models, coding, scientific report writing and presentation.
Teaching Assistant, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, School of Engineering, 2017
I delivered TA sections to classes up to 50 students using traditional lecture notes and Power Point presentations.
Teaching Assistant, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, School of Engineering, 2016
I delivered TA sections to classes up to 50 students using traditional lecture notes and Power Point presentations.Download TA session slides here
Teaching Assistant, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mechanical Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, 2015
I delivered TA sections to classes up to 50 students using traditional lecture notes and Power Point presentations.